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A chinch bug lawn treatment is common in South Florida Saint Augustine Grasses. Of the many different kinds of lawn distroying pest Chinch Bugs are one of the killers of St Augustine and are commonly mistaken for drought stress. The beginning signs of chinch bug damage and drought stress look exactly alike and can easily be mistaken for one another. When identifying chinch bugs it is always best to actually see the bug. Chinch Bugs are very small insects and unless you know what to look for they can easily be missed.


Chinch Bugs breed in hot dry weather and left unattended can take over and destroy a lawn before you know what hit you. It is not uncommon for a home owner to identify chinch bug damage as the lawn needing to be watered. In many cases a home owner will begin watering the lawn only to end up woundering why it is not recovering. 


It is always good to have a professional pest control company evaluate your lawn for chinch bugs before the damage becomes something that warrants replacing the turf. Our lawn and garden service technicians are qualified to identify any type of lawn destroying insects and diseases throughout you entire landscape.  It doesn't cost anything to have us come out and look at your property. We provide free evaluations for all lawn and ornamental problems. Call us today to schedule a free evaluation 888-257-5066 and feel safe that your lawn is receiving the care that it needs. 

Chinch Bugs
Chinch Bug
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